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Mitglied seitdem: 16.06.2010
Letzte Aktualisierung: 16.06.2010
Letzter Besuch: 16.06.2010
I have done character/commercial modelling for 3 years and have had some excellent experience along the way. I am primarily an actor and presenter, having performed for TV, film, commercials, online, corporate projects and live events. I have a very good, varied range and a natural, amiable confidence in front of the camera.

I would love to improve, extend and enhance my portfolio through this site, meet some photographers with interesting, original and wonderful ideas! I am willing to do TFP/CD shoots in/around the London area if I feel the shoot will benefit me and my portfolio.

My rates for paid work are very reasonable and competitive. Please contact me for details.
Alter: 2025 Jahre   Höhe: 0.00 m   Gewicht: 0 kg   Haare:    Augen:
Porträt    Mode    Damenwäsche    Reiz    Nackt    Erotisch    Fetish
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Book  2 photos

charles watson
charles watson
charles watson
charles watson
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