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Mitglied seitdem: 13.02.2005
Letzte Aktualisierung: 13.02.2005
Letzter Besuch: 13.02.2005
Hello, my name is Nathalia Ghafari.
I was born the 1st January in Beyrouth (Lebanon). I moved in '90 to Belgium with my family. In the beginning of '04 I was asked for a few photoshoots and since then i started modeling.
If you want to see my work you can visit my website
Thanks!! Nathalia
Alter: 0 Jahre   Höhe: 0.00 m   Gewicht: kg   Haare:    Augen:
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Porträt    Mode    Damenwäsche    Reiz    Nackt    Erotisch    Fetish
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